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Hoof Books - Books by Dr. Hiltrud Strasser, Dr. Robert Cook, Sabine Kells, Jaime Jackson, Pete Ramey. New to barefoot? Click here for Click here for our Recommended Reading List
Trimming Supplies - Includes F Dick Ascot Knives, Atlas Nitrile Gloves, Rasp Handle.
NEW! Lower Price! All books by Dr. Hiltrud Strasser are now only $34.00 per book! (Price reduced by $5.50) Even more savings with Combos! See our Books page for all offers.
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A Lifetime of Soundness 4th Edition Revised with color pages! (Special offer just below, buy the book combo and save!) |
A Lifetime of Soundness (LOS) All new 4th edition, revised and with color pages! This is the book that started the barefoot horse movement. Dr. Hiltrud Strasser is a veterinarian who, for over thirty years, has been studying and researching the causes and cures of lameness and other common health problems of domestic horses. This revolutionary book will forever change the way you care for your horses. According to Dr. Strasser, "Most of the common health problems and lamenesses afflicting domestic horses are a direct result of man-made violations of their natural lifestyle, and can be prevented or cured through a removal of the cause and a return to a natural lifestyle." This book explains the Strasser Method and philosophy. 196 page soft cover book, COLOR PHOTOS and black & white photos and illustrations. |
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