The Horse's Hoof
Professional Trimmers List: USA States O - W
Now in Alphabetical Order by State!
For Hoof Care Professionals of any kind - trimmers, farriers, podiatrists, specialists, etc. who offer barefoot trimming services to horseowners.
The Horse's Hoof, as a generic barefoot resource, provides this as a FREE PUBLIC SERVICE to the barefoot public, and not as an endorsement of any trimmer or any method listed on this page, nor do we verify any qualifications. We do not provide any personal recommendations, so please do not ask. Owners, please research, verify qualifications and references, and use discretion when choosing your hoof care professional. Special Note: We are NOT THE HOOF POLICE - this is JUST a listing, like the yellow pages, and we do not monitor nor regulate these trimmers in any way.
For the USA, trimmers are listed in alphabetical order by STATE, click or scroll down:
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
Steve Hebrock, Akron, Ohio & Lenox, MA - email: - Phone: (330) 813-5434 - AANHCP & Liberated Horsemanship Certified Natural Hoof Care Practitioner doing strictly barefoot trimming since 1994. As I am a full-time university professor, I only accept a limited number of clients. I offer individual training and group workshops as well. Most of my trimming is conducted in NE Ohio and W Massachusetts, but arrangements can be made to work wherever you wish. See for more information. (09/11) |
Don McGlothlin, East Sparta, Ohio - Home 330 484 1960 - Cell 330
418 4521 - E-Mail nogust153 @ Certified Farrier/Blacksmith since 1981, Natural Hoof Care Practitioner since 2005. (04/07) |
Shawn Ratliff, Goshen, Ohio - FlyingHeartsFarm @ - (513)
295-2519 I began trimming in 2004 and have been studying the barefoot trim extensively ever since. I do not follow one specific style of trimming, I try to use whichever technique is most appropriate for the specific horse in question. Specializing in founder and navicular cases. I am willing to travel as far as necessary. Also offering full care board/rehabilitation at my farm. If you are overwhelmed with trying to rehabilitate your horse, I do occasionally take in giveaways that need healing. (06/08) |
MIKE STEVENS CP, Cutler, Ohio - E-mail: Mustanghoofcare @
- Cell Phone 1-740-350-2169 - Res. Phone 1-740-678-8592. I am Certified with the AANHCP. I serve Ohio and West Virginia. Feel free to give me a call. Trained with Jamie Jackson and also Pete Ramey. Will travel. (07/09) |
Ida Crum, Massillon, Ohio - e-mail, jakeida @ - (330) 880-4083 (please leave message) Experienced Barefoot Trimmer now accepting new Clients. Home study courses including, Jaime Jackson & Pete Ramey, (not certified yet), using the wild horse hoof as a model. (01/10) |
Aidan McFall, Westerville, Ohio - Email: effortlissequine @ - cell phone: 740-816-0944 - website: Please visit my website to learn more about myself, the field of equine wellness and the services I offer. (08/14) |
Charlotte Enders, Galion, Ohio - Email: barefoothoofhealth @ - Phone: 330-317-7196 Serving the Northeast/North Central/Central Ohio Region. Well versed in whole horse health management, hoof care and hoof problem prevention/treatment and hoof boot fitting and instruction. Currently working on official certifications. I completed my apprenticeship under an experienced Barefoot Trimmer and former Jamie Jackson and Pete Ramey student. References available. (07/16) |
Leila Carter, Athens, Ohio - cell (304)-997-5410 - email hoof2foot @ DAEP (Diploma in Applied Equine Podiatry) I am a graduate of the Institute of Applied Equine Podiatry, please visit the Institutes website at for more information. Accepting new clients in the area. (05/17) |
Cindy Valoura, Freehold, Eastern Ohio and Western Pennsylvania - 732-977-9388 - AANHCP Certified Natural Hoof Care Practitioner trained by Jaime Jackson. Cross Equine Consulting, LLC. Fully Insured. (10/20) |
Cheryl West, Tulsa (Sand Springs) Oklahoma - email: westequest
@ |
John Carter, Texas/Oklahoma - Phone: 903-486-2141 Natural Hoof Care, Trimming horses for balance and soundness...Serving Northeast Texas and Southern OK...There's more to hoof health than the farrier or trimmer. (02/09) |
Bob Pierce, Kansas, Oklahoma - Phone: 620-213-2266 - email: bob.pierce @ serving Central and South Central Kansas, and North Central Oklahoma. Barefoot Trimmer & Easyboot dealer. (11/09) |
Lisa Hidlebaugh, Meeker, Oklahoma - 210-232-5699 cell - 405-279-1130 business Lifeway Natural Hoofcare. AANHCP-CP serving south eastern Oklahoma, east of okc and south of Tulsa. (08/11) |
Linnie Brister, Oklahoma - email: hoofhappy @ or phone: 903-449-9180. Please leave message. |
Cheryl Henderson, Southern Oregon,
CMHG (Certified Mentor Hoof Groom), Phone: 541-899-1535 email: abchoofcare
@ Website: Click here for Cheryl's Webpage 4 Martha Olivo Groom courses, 2 Pete Ramey Clinics, 1 Gene Ovnicek clinic. I have performed hundreds of hoof dissections. Developed a Hoof Care Fair for traveling education. Have attended higher education in the study of laminitis and diseases of the hoof. And have a desire to help others through trimming, teaching and providing clinics. (02/06) |
Conde Pantoja, Molalla, Oregon, Email: Betteroffbarefoot @
Phone: (503) 502-1102 |
Mavis Pas, Oakridge, Oregon,
Phone: 541-782-3561 Certified hoof groom. Available for consultations, presentations and advice and trims. First evaluation $35 an hour. Client must maintain a monthly trim schedule and allow clicker training if horse will not stand for trim. I am intestested helping those who are interested in helping themselves and are willing to do what it takes to maintain a healthy horse. I have studied the Strasser method, Jackson method, Olivo method and with Gene Ovnicek. I trim by what the hoof and the horse tell me. (09/05) |
Karen Reeves, Klamath Falls, Oregon Ph# 541-884-8183 Olivo Certified hoof groom. Additional barefoot trim training from Ramey, and Ovnicek. Available for consultations, trimming, and one on one basic barefoot trim instruction. First evaluation $35 an hour plus mileage for areas outside Klamath Falls. Client must maintain a monthly trim schedule. (09/05) |
Cheri Edwards CHG, southern Oregon Phone: 541-899-1535 Email: abchoofcare @ (12/05) |
Nancy Johnson, DVM, SHP 2003, Eugene, Oregon, Phone 541-688-1835, Email: NJhoofdoc @ (01/06) |
Conde Pantoja, Molalla, Oregon, Email: Betteroffbarefoot @
Phone: (503) 502-1102 Certified, full time professional hoofcare. If you want to know what it takes to go barefoot, call or write. I am available for barefoot presentations as well as fit and distribute hoof boots. "...where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2Cor 3:17 Website: (01/06) |
Sabrina Kittelson, Molalla, Oregon - - sabrinakittelson @ - 503-949-7312 Professional, reliable, sound barefoot trims since 2004. Primarily following Pete Ramey methods and implementing natural horsemanship. Maintenance trims and correctional/rehab. (11/13) |
Judy Good, Oregon EMAIL: goodj @, PHONE: 541-752-6260,
CELL: 541-829-3505 I barefoot trim in Linn, Lane and Benton counties in Oregon following the Wild Mustang Model put forth by the American Assoc. of Natural Hoof Care Practitioners (AANHCP). As a certified trimmer, my goal is to evolve horses into happy barefoot rock-crushing people lovers. (3/07) |
Philip Smith CLS, Eagle Creek, Oregon - contact number: 503-863-7816, email: sporthorseshoeing @ I'm a certified Natural Balance Farrier & Lameness Specialist through Equine Lameness Prevention Organazation (, I service the Portland metro area and SW Washington. I'm available for clinic's also. (11/12) |
Alexa Cook, CHCP, Rainier, Oregon - e-mail: achoofcare @ - cell 503-317-8937 I've been trimming my 8 horses for 4 years, attended a clinic with Gene Ovnicek, studied Pete Ramey, graduated from Oregon School of Natural Hoofcare in May '07. (10/08) |
Audrey Bolker Lebanon, Oregon - Phone: (541) 259-9520, Email: littleaudrey
@ - Website: Natural Barefoot trimmer educated in the Pete Ramey method serving all areas between Corvallis and Stayton. Please view my website for more information and case studies. (04/09) |
Cori Russell, Eagle Point, Oregon - Email: - Phone: (541) 890-2772 Sabhaile Natural Hoof Care and Horsemanship, Natural hoof care practitioner with over 17 years experience trimming all sorts of equines. All injury, disease and deformity treated in a respectful, professional manner for the comfort of your equine. I specialize in hard to handle horses and first time trims. No charge for any needed extra time spent with your equine. Will absolutely NEVER strke / snub your animal in order to make my job easier. Serving the greater Southern Oregon / Northern California area. (04/10) |
Tami Davis, Oregon - Phone: 541-968-4660 - email: Tami @ - web: Good Hoofkeeping Natural Hoof Care, Certified practitioner by the AANHCP and Liberated Horsemanship. High performance barefoot trimming for pleasure and performance horses. Tami is also a competitive dressage rider who competes very successfully on barefoot horses. Many testimonials and references available. EasyCare Dealer (09/10) |
Lee Pearce, Baker City, Oregon - 541-519-8792 - email: elkhornmtnranch @ - website; Certified Natural Balance Barefoot Trimmer and Farrier. Service area is primarily Baker, Grant, Union and Wallowa Counties, but drop-ins are welcome by appointment. Available for consultation. Specialize in lameness cases. Active Endurance Competitor and Renegade Hoof Boot Distributor. (10/10) |
Michael Waldorf, Eugene, Oregon - website: I trained with Martha Olivo back in 2000 and 2001 and have been a full time hoofcare provider since 1997. I serve the Eugene and Southern Willamette Valley. (10/10) |
Whitney Mount, Portland, Oregon - email: wittymount @ - website: - phone: 503-806-4338 I have been trimming since 2005, and have worked with Paige Poss in Northern VA. BWFA Certified. Tons of experience with TBs, and founders. Please check out the case studies and testimonials on the website! (11/13) |
Rose Potter, Deer Island, Oregon - e-mail: potter9228 @ - cell 503-860-9749 - message:503-366-9228 Dare to be Bare Horse Care CNHCP. I've been trimming my 4 horses for 4 years, attended a Masterson Method Bodyworks clinic and use bodyworks in conjunction with trimming if needed, graduated from Oregon School of Natural Hoofcare. I have experience with slipper foot trims and rehab. I also clean sheaths and udders. (06/12) |
Janice J Stetzel, Aurora, Oregon – Email: jchipman @ - CELL# 971 338 0175 |
Don Miller of HoofCraft, NW Oregon, SW Washington - Email: hoofcraft @ - cell phone: 503-484-8367 - website: Professional natural hoof care practitioner since 2006. Knowledgeable and experienced in not only providing horses with a healthy and natural hoof care maintenance program, but also helping horses that have chronic hoof problems: founder, navicular, elderly horses, etc. I have witnessed many a happy rehabilitation and have felt honored to help such horses successfully overcome their hoof pathologies. I continue to learn from horses every day. References available. Thank you. (09/15) |
Mischa Orbons, Williams, Oregon - phone: 5417875331 - Email: healthyhorsehooves @ NHC practitioner. Internationally trained through the ISNHCP program by Jaime Jackson, founder of Natural Hoof Care. NHC is holistic care of the horse based on the wild horse model, including natural boarding, a reasonably natural diet, natural horsemanship and the natural trim. This is a trim method that mimics the wear patterns of wild, free roaming horses of the U.S. great basin or similar adaptive biomes. For more info visit the website of my mentors in the U.S. and Europe: or (12/16) |
Jessie Brody/4 the Hoof, Clatskanie, Oregon - Phone: (503) 791-0440 call/text - Email: 4thehoof @ - |
Melanie Carlson, Aloha, Oregon - email: heelfirstimpact @ - website: - Cell: (503)544-8239 I am a member of Pacific Hoof Care Practitioners and have attended a Pete Ramey rehab clinic. I am always learning, and do as much continuing education as possible. Not only relating to the hoof, but to nutrition and whole horse health. Hooves are grown from the inside, so I see the hoof as a window to view the internal health of each horse. I service NW Oregon and SW Washington, contact me to see when I'm in your area! (06/18) |
Jaime Malinowski, Pottstown, Pennsylvania - Phone: 610-842-2277 - Email: Jaromig @ Serving the barefoot needs of your equine from transition to barefoot, to founder and navicular issues. Strasser certified 2004-2005. (10/10) |
Walt Friedrich, Nescopeck, Pennsylvania EMAIL: waltf @,
telephone 570-379-2964. Four Paso Finos share my digs, ranging in age from 9 to 23 as of this writing (early 2006). We've gone through some founder here a few years back, which helped me develop a protocol that's effective, relatively quick-recovery, and easy to administer; it involves appropriate trimming and strict diet control. I developed the LIM Trim (Less Is More) which evolved into an excellent counter-FFS (Forward Foot Syndrome) trim. I run a barefoot Forum on Yahoo!Groups entitled "barefoothorsecare", and I'm associated with Natural Horse Magazine. (01/06) |
Katrina Ranum, CJF- Morrisdale, Pennsylvania Email: info
@, Phone 814-345-1723. Barefoot and Performing are the words to live by. Gaited horses are encouraged and welcomed. Please call or email to schedule an appointment, consultation or clinic. (04/06) |
Laura Florence, CF, Holistic Hoof Care, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania,
USA, |
Korie, Pennsylvania, Phone 610-730-4973 NATURAL BAREFOOT HOOF TRIMMING to rehabilitate lameness and for sound maintenance of your horse. I follow the Pete Ramey / Jackson techniques and THE WILD HORSE MODEL. Successfully maintaining: performance, trail, work, and beloved backyard equines. All breeds - Minis to Drafts. Natural horsemanship handling. I dealt with: founder, deformities, contracted heels, laminitis, navicular, white line and more. Presently accepting new clients. COMPETITIVE RATES! Serving Lehigh Valley and eastern Pennsylvania. Free information article (03/08) |
James Duncan, Greater Philadelphia Pennsylvania and Bedminster NJ area - email: SpotOnTrimming @ - Phone (908)-44A-TRIM or (908)-442-8746 (01/10) |
Charles G Piccione II, Serving Eastern Pennsylvania, North and
Central New Jersey - Phone: 908-319-7198 or 908-319-2406 - Email: cpicc
@ Farrier/Natural Hoof Care Practitioner, I will provide you with references on the asking, Veterinary Clinics/Trainers/Show Barns/Performance Horse Owners/Competition Hunter Jumpers Owners/ Pleasure Horse Owners and Pasture Pets "Supporting The Horses Needs to the Owners Expectations" (08/08) |
Nancy Naill Frishkorn, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. - Phone number 7244628656 - Email: Hooflady @ - Website: Faculty member liberated horsemanship CHCP ...and AANHCP Certified Practitioner/Field Instructor/Clinician now accepting aanhcp students for first and second string, step 4 Workshop, 5 Intro , and 9 Final certification exams. All Students one on one only by appt. Only taking new clients IN NEED such as founder/laminitis, severe deformity/neglect, or within one hour of Pitts. PA. (12/16) |
Greg Sambor, North East, Pennsylvania, Erie County, okocim56 @,,
mobile #240-205-6652, home# 814-725-4936 Serving Western NY, Eastern OH, and Northwest PA. Helping horses go barefoot for life as well as improving the hooves of already barefoot horses. Services include, trimming, boot fitting, and nutritional consultation. Also treating founder, navicular, and general rehab of sick hooves. I will take my time with your horse and answer any and questions you might have. I also enjoy educating my clinets. (11/08) |
Carrie Carlino, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. - Phone: 412-721-9689. - E-mail:
carriecarlino @ Barefoot Hoof Trimming Practitioner in Training through "Liberated Horsemanship". Trimming with the free roaming horses' hoof as a model. The exact trim developed by Jamie Jackson. Natural Horsecare - Natural Hoofcare - Any Hoof - Any Time. Giddy-Up. (08/09) |
Korie Kalavoda, Bath, Pennsylvania, 18014 - email: narf_777 @ - phone: 610-730-4973 - website: |
Anthony Faragasso, Pennsylvania - email: ajf1111 @ - phone: 607-343-5883 (Natural performance barefoot trimming ) Professional barefoot trimming serving Northeast, Pa and Central New York. Experienced in pathologies (Laminitis, Founder, navicular, White Line Disease, Quarter Cracks, Contracted Heels, and more), rehabilitation, rescues and boot-fitting. No Hoof...No Horse.. (04/10) |
Rick Sweitzer, Eastern Pennsylvania - phone: 610-767-1536 - email: zenlens1 @ - Website: |
Beth Ann Parise, Northeast, Pennsylvania - - 570-575-5487 - beth @ Natural Balance Hoof Trimming. Providing professional equine hoof care based on scientific research and nature. This type of trimming advocates optimal equine health and performance through natural lifestyle management practices. (09/10) |
John Gilbreath, Pennsylvania - phone: 814-662-4296 - email - jagorig @ Serving the tri-state area of Southwestern PA, Western MD & North Central WV. With over 20 years experience, I have developed, tried and tested all techniques for obtaining the true natural hoof. Achieve impact balance from a full time professional. All calls returned and appointments kept. "So goes the hoof ... goes the horse!" (11/10) |
Ranae Procyk, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - email:
theprocyks @ - Phone: 412-480-1342 |
Greg Boll, Pennsylvania serving central PA & northern MD - Email: 4gboll @ - Phone: 717-824-9368 - Facebook: Greg's Farrier Service I practice trimming as taught by Pete Ramey and the wild horse model. I enjoy educating my clients and will provide prompt, courteous service. Everything from drafts to mini's. (02/11) |
Christina Kusznir, Pennsylvania, NJ, NY - Email: barefoothoofcare @ - Phone:
917 940 9327 - Blog: Trimming for the New Millenium, since 2000. Professional trimmer travelling to NJ, NY, PA and CT. I have successfully rehabbed problem cases e.g. navicular, ringbone, founder, non-specific lameness, etc. Successfully maintaining all kinds of horses, from the performance horse to the beloved backyard pony. Special attention to painless transitioning to barefoot, and sound maintenance of the working horse. Kind and considerate to your horse. (08/11) |
Kate Simmer, APF, CBT, Southeastern Pennsylvania/Greater Delaware Valley - centeredfarrier @ - Centered Equine Farrier Services, LLC specializes in a thorough, balanced trim to maximize the performance and health of the hoof and horse. Services include: physiologically correct trimming, Easyboot fitting, hoof health assessment, hoof casting, thrush treatment, and composite shoe application including the Easyshoe. I am an Accredited Professional Farrier with the American Association of Professional Farriers, and a Certified Barefoot Trimmer with the Equine Lameness Prevention Organization. (07/15) |
Ben Goldberg, North East Pennsylvania and Southern Catskills, New York. email: HoofANiceDay @ - phone: 570-224-5021, 917-902-8996. Full time horse trainer with ten years experience trimming horses. From show horses to back yard pasture pets, I can help your horse be more comfortable. Serving Wayne and Pike counties in PA; and Sullivan and Orange counties in NY. (02/13) |
Jessica Buffington, Hazleton, Pennsylvania - jessysfarrierservice @ - - 570 956 5051
Recently Graduated from Pennsylvania Institute for Horseshoeing. Have had experience ranging from horses with arthritic problems down to just being plain old stubborn. I did not get into this line of work to make fast cash, I simply got into it because I love to be around horses. And what better way to be around them then to work with them? (07/13) |
Whitney Coolidge, Nottingham, Pennsylvania - happyhorseyfeet @ - - 717-371-4611 I have been working professionally with horses for over ten years and have gotten into trimming horses as a result of my love for horses and an ever-growing concern over how their feet are treated. I follow a natural, balanced method of trimming to promote the growth of healthy hoof and a happy horse! Serving Southern Lancaster and Chester Counties, and Northeastern MD. (09/13) |
Caleb Fisher, CF, APF, Gordonville, Pennsylvania - ridingforlife @ - - 717-405-9917
Caleb's Hoofcare, LLC. AFA Certified Farrier and AAPF Accredited Professional Farrier specializing in hot shoeing and therapeutic farriery in Lancaster, Chester, and Berks Counties. (02/15) |
Sarah Swider, Rochester, Pennsylvania - Email: cowgirlforchrist22 @ - Cellphone: 412-427-0135 - Website - I'm a barefoot trimmer serving the Beaver County and surrounding areas. I'm also willing to travel to other areas for a reasonable trip fee. I trim using the wild hoof as a model and also follow the Pete Ramey and Jaime Jackson techniques. I have experience with navicular, toed in horses, etc... I can also trim goats and pigs. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. (03/15) |
Cristina Bostaph, Grove City, Pennsylvania - email: unshod1 @ - Phone: (412)848-2582 Cristina Bostaph Natural Hoofcare, AANHCP -certified practitioner since 2007, serving Lawrence county PA and surrounding areas. Now accepting a limited number of new clients! (03/19) |
Barbara Money, Foster, Rhode Island - email: bmoney9 @ Serving northern/central Rhode Island, eastern Connecticut and beyond. Barefoot trimming for all equines, from backyard minis to performance horses. (10/10) |
Pier Stith, Columbia, South Carolina. email: pier @ - phone: 803.341.3933 - website: Providing a physiologically correct barefoot trim that addresses pathologies therapeutically (to the extent possible), improves the horse’s way of moving, and allows optimum performance. (12/09) |
Rachael Tonsmeire, Camden, South Carolina - - Phone: 803-427-5931- Email: rachaelt1 @ Certified Barefoot Trimmer, I offer trimming at your farm as well as hoof rehab at my farm. call or email with any questions. (01/11) |
Kelly Carr, Anderson, South Carolina - Email: safeandsoundnh @ - Phone: 1-864-353-9212 - Website: I am a barefoot trimmer who has never had a horse take a lame step while in my care, even if they had a history of soreness. I am based in South Carolina (Anderson County), but currently also serve horses in Georgia. I am punctual, polite, flexible, gentle, and easy to work with and contact. Visit the above website for more information and pictures. (03/11) |
Marilyn Gilligan, Columbia, South Carolina - email: Zelbug @
or 910-603-0411. Working in South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee. Specializing in sport horses and rehabs. Have returned horses to Grand Prix. Trimming nationally ranked endurance horses. (09/12) |
Meg Francoeur, Aiken, South Carolina - Email: zghorse @ - Home: 803-648-8322 - Cell: 818-402-6065 I have been working with horses for more than 30 years and trimmed my own horses for 15 of those years before becoming a professional. Utilizing Pete Ramey style trims, I specialize in problem feet including laminitis, injuries and chronic lameness. Working with performance horses and ponies in 3 day eventing, carriage horses and barrel racing as well as the family pet. Donkeys and mules are welcome! Accepting clients in any area near Aiken, including Windsor, Williston, Sallie, Greenwood/96/Edgefield areas and Monetta. References available. (12/12) |
Kristi Rodgers, Charleston, South Carolina - text or phone (843 810 2282) - email rodgerka @ or Facebook Five-county area, Equine Pathways Natural Hoof Trimming. I'm gentle, Pete-and-Ivy-Ramey primed and educated, friendly and genuinely love animals, esp dogs and horses. For 30 years I've been around horses, on them, under them, with them. Hooves are my passion. I would be happy to work with your other equine care professionals, and will not argue or debate unless the talk is two-sided and open-minded and professional and respectful. Healthy hooves FINALLY! (02/13) |
Amy Hemelgarn, Simpsonville, South Carolina - Email: ahemel @ - Phone: 864-399-2811 |
Chuck and Jenipher McDonald, South Carolina - feetfirstwellness @ - - 843.908.3643 - 254.206.6921 Feet First Wellness is based in Walterboro SC and Tallassee Al. We are licensed through Equine Soundness and are members of the NAHA. We will provide you and your horse the attention and service you deserve. "Striving to improve the lives of horses from the ground up." (11/14) |
Cynthia Niemela, South Dakota - EMAIL: naturalhorsecare10 @ (delete spaces) - PHONE: Cell: 612-481-3036 AANCHP certified and Liberated Horsemanship certified trimmer and instructor serving South Dakota and Minnesota. Offering professional barefoot hoof care since March of 2002. I trim many different breeds with many different performance goals including: Dressage horses, Stock horses, Hunters, Endurance horses, Trail horses, Gaited horses and Draft horses. I also successfully trim horses with Navicular Syndrome, Laminitis and Founder. Many long term satisfied customers. Equine Lower Limb Anatomy Clinics and Introductory Trimming Clinics offered through Liberated Horsemanship. (06/15) |
Jennifer Vallieres, Woodbury, Tennessee - - Tel:615-563-4292 - email: Horsinaround @ Willing to travel anywhere in TN and neighboring states. Offering natural hoofcare using the Pete Ramey method of trimming. Have had much success in rehabilitating lameness issues (navicular, founder, contraction, cracks, clubfoot, etc..) and maintaining high performance barefoot horses as well. My motto: "Helping your horse have healthy hooves for life." (11/08) |
Gwen Douty, indian mound, Tennessee,
37079. telephone 931-217-3180. I am a graduate of the mission farrier school which focuses its course on the natural balance technique. i service northwest and middle tennessee, as well as, southwest kentucky. i am also an easy care dealer, with boa and easy boots available to my clients. (11/05) |
Mary Ann Kennedy, Nashville, Tennessee EMAIL: ponymak @
PHONE: 615-412-4222 5 year Student of natural trim. Martha O. clinics, Mike La Grone clinic. Researching natural care and health in the southeast. Researching and rehabbing founder care. Studied under Charles Hall i.e. Jamie Jackson, Pete Ramey technique. Having great success with barefoot transition. (02/06) |
Kel Manning, Knoxville, Tennessee USA, Email: naturalhoofcare @ - Phone: 865-765-9632 Kel is a Certified Natural Hoof Care Practitioner (CP) and Field Instructor with the American Association of Natural Hoof Care Practitioners (AANHCP). (05/12) |
Wendy Pitman, Greeneville, Tennessee, USA, - email: mestengo @ I have been trimming my own horses (and mule) for 6 years. They are all barefoot, all of the time. They are all ridden barefoot in the mountains of eastern TN and do very well. I also use EasyBoots if the terrain is extremely rocky or I am doing long distance riding. My trimming models are Marjorie Smith, Jaime Jackson, and Pete Ramey. Willing to help anyone who wants to learn or needs help getting started. (01/07) |
Joe Amelang, Pulaski, Tennessee. Natural barefoot trimming using the wild hoof model. Email barefoothoof @ - tel 615-972-0872. (05/08) |
Nora Miller, Monterey, Tennessee - Barefoot Trimming - email barefoothorses
@ - phone 931-510-5726 Located in Monterey, TN. I do a Natural Balance trim. I believe in the whole horse, with feeding, exercise, and turnout. I have had excellent success rehabbing ouchy or shod feet into rock solid bare hooves using the Natural Balance method and theories. I have founder and navicular success stories who have recovered wonderfully! References are also available. Serving the East and Middle TN areas. (07/07) |
Elizabeth TeSelle, Franklin, Tennessee. Hoofmaiden Performance Barefoot Hoof Care - Email: hoof_maiden @ - Website: - Phone: 615-300-6917 |
Jim Apple, serving Middle Tennessee area - Go Barefoot-natural
hoof care - Phone 615.792.9955 - Email: @ Fourth generation farrier and blacksmith, 1990 graduate of the Ky. Horseshoeing School. Over 25 years experience as a professional farrier, no shoes since 1994. I want to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. You can too! (12/07) |
Senter and Marie Jackson, Jonesborough, Tennessee -
email:bucksnortfarms04 @ Certified Practitioners. Natural Barefoot Trim based on the Wild Horse Model, Consultations, Pasture Layout, Diet and Booting. (07/08) |
Lauren Gruber, Nexus Center for the Horse, Greeneville, Tennessee - - Email: lauren @ - phone 423-620-8377 I am a natural hoof care practitioner offering hoof care services to the East Tennessee area. We have a 66 acre farm where we provide rehabilitation to horses who are unsound due to conditions such as navicular, founder, etc. I'm available for clinics and eager to help people who want to learn. (09/08) |
Rocky Whittington, Middle Tennessee/Nashville Area - Phone: 423-963-3239 - Email: roxwhitt @ |
Patty Bass, Lawrenceburg, Tennessee - email: hiddentreasure @ - 931-766-3090 Located in Lawrenceburg,TN will travel to surrounding counties and N AL. i specialize in keeping the family horse and family happy with the best balanced and natural method of hoofcare posible. My horse of choice: Arabian. more years than i want to count of hoofcare. (10/12) |
Robin South, Tennessee - robin.south @ - 205-527-5058 High Performance Hoof Care. 9 years as a certified professional trimmer. Experience with most types of lameness issues, everything from babies to stallions, drafts to Paso's, trail horses to dressage horses. I work a route from Clanton, AL to Trion, GA and Chattanooga, TN. (07/13) |
William D Schnepp, Lexington, Tennessee - Email: info @ - Phone: (731) 602-9424 - website: Gracious Gaits Farrier Service, We work with gaited and non-gaited horses, mini's, mules, donkeys, etc. A full-Time farrier Service since 2003. I am a certified journeyman farrier certified by the B.W.F.A. I was Trained at the Farrier's National Research Center and have taken courses in trimming and shoeing the gaited equine, nutrition, bio-mechanics of the equine. References available. We don't require the horse stand well as long as it's safe. (07/13) |
Lauren Smith, Mount Carmel, Tennessee - email: ANATURALHOOF @ GMAIL.COM - - phone 423-276-6791 |
Jessica Johnson, Mount Carmel, Tennessee - USA. email: ANATURALHOOF @ GMAIL.COM - - phone 423-963-7658 Currently enrolled in Equine Science Academy degree program and working on AHA certification. Trimming in the Hawkins County, Sullivan Country and surrounding areas. Please visit we are also on facebook (03/14) |
Neal Valk, DVM, DACVS. Greeneville, Tennessee USA. email: vetneal @ - Website: - phone (423) 552-5923 Stonehill Veterinary Center. Equine veterinarian and board certified large animal surgeon with 25 plus years of practice experience. Providing maintenance and therapeutic barefoot care for 10 years. Equine podiatry sans metal shoes! LH and AANHCP certified. Services provided in East Tennessee, Western North Carolina, and Southwestern Virginia. Currently taking on new clients. Happy to travel if volume of business justifies travel time/expense. Customized seminars and clinics available. (10/14) |
James Slaughter-Columbia, Tennessee - email: marriedanridin @ - phone: 931-334-5019 - Maury Co TN area and traveling to surrounding areas including nashville area and into Al... Barefoot natural trimming trimming for the horses health and wellness... also working with hard to handle or new to trim horses! Clientele ranges from Dressage riders to pasture pets...References available. (10/15) |
Mimi Hollenbeck, Woodbury, Tennessee - E-mail: arc_krc @ - cell phone: 615-542-1444 - website: I am a natural barefoot hoof trimmer currently accepting new clients. I trim in a way that mimics that of the wild horses. I am patient with timid horses and good with stubborn ones! I am kind, courteous, prompt and always return phone calls. (01/16) |
Robert Ahl, Lyles, Tennessee 37098 - Phone: 210-885-6918 - E-Mail: bob.ahl.45 @ |
Vickey Hollingsworth, West Tennessee - - phone (920) 419-7447 email: hphoofcare @ |
Kelly Collom, Lebanon, Tennessee - email. horsecorner @ - Cell 615-594-8833 - home 615-286-1456 28 years experience reasonable and dependable hoof trimming will travel. (03/19) |
Dave Darnell, North Texas - phone 972-658-6108 (Please leave a message, and I will return your call) - Website: - Email: dave @ |
MARC JORDAN, Texas, CELL PHONE 01/05 24/7: 512-791-8631
Gary Mathews, Seven Points, Texas Email: MathewsMMranch @ WebSite: Professional, experienced, natural barefoot trimming. Treat your horse like the majestic creature he is. Years of traditional shoeing and trimming experience has taught me the negative effects of steel shoes. Natural trimming teaches us that horses simply don't need shoes and they can recover from the harmful effects. Will teach natural methods to horse owners. (11/05) |
Chris McDonald, Willis, Texas - E-mail: barehoofin @ - Cell: (936) 494-5232 Strasser Hoofcare Professional (Certified 2004-2010). Located approximately 50 miles North of Houston. Moving toward retirement but still able and willing to assist with founder rehab, corrective trimming for laminitis, navicular and "mystery" lameness issues. No longer accepting new clients for routine maintenance, but willing to coach owners in trimming their own horses. (10/14) |
Eddie Drabek, El Campo, Texas - email: drabektx @ phone:
979-533-1731 Specializing in performance horses, pathological hooves (Navicular, laminitis, founder, WLD, etc.) and those horses everyone else has told you "can't go barefoot". Many years experience and references available. Member AANHCP and Easy Care Hoof Boot Distributor (Easy Boots, Epics, Boas, etc.) (01/06) |
Linnie Brister, DFW, Texas - email: hoofhappy @ or phone: 903-449-9180. Please leave message. |
Susanne Elmer, Conroe, Texas EMAIL: susanne @ Mentor Hoof Groom (09/06) |
Gates Billette, Nocona, Texas, phone 940-987-3258 e-mail 34yrs as a horeseshoer -- No longer, full time barefoot trimmer for 5yrs. Clinics with Strasser, Martho Olivo and Pete Ramey and have learned from all of them and still learning. Have room for just a few in north Texas, north of Forth Worth and Dallas. Very much interested in helping others and offer a two day clinics and hands on help. Spend a day, a week with me. I have much to offer and insiteful info that I have yet to see others offer. I am 55 yrs old and look forward to every day to see what else I can learn. I very often learn from my own customers. (11/06) |
MAC, Paris, Texas (NE Texas area). (903-737-8730)
or james4nhc @ MAC's NATURAL HOOFCARE. Build strong, hard, natural hooves for competition, pleasure, work, & trail. Helping horses overcome laminitis, founder, dietary problems. (05/09) |
Carol Ann Castaneda, Texas AKA: Hooves Gone Wild- Mbl # (210)844-8070
- E-mail: hoovesgonewild @ Web address Natural Hoof Care Practitioner...The Wild Horse Way. Located in Stockdale, Tx (01/08) |
Kirby Brunson, Big Sandy,
Texas. - Phones: Home 903-725-3103, Cell 430-558-9163. - Email kirbytex34
@ Kirby Brunson's Natural Balance Trimming & Hoof Care. Certified at the Oregon School of Natural Hoof Care & Trimming under Cheryl Henderson. Specializing in a natural balanced barefoot trim that promotes strong, healthy hooves and soles using patient, gentle handling methods. Reasonable rates with discounts for multiple horses. Appointments available anytime including evenings and weekends. Call for information on barefoot trimming or to make your appointment. (01/08) |
Tracy Harbes, West Houston, Texas - Phone 832-473-8044 Harbes Trimming & Equine Services. Natural Hoof Practitioner(s) since 1/08, Trimming for a "Back to the Basics Barefoot Trim". Professional Trimming for all types of Horses, Ponies and Miniatures including the Rehabilitation of Pathological hooves. Allow us to educate you on how to successfully transition to barefoot soundness in varied terrains by providing your horse with a Balanced Trim, Proper Nutrition and Adequate exercise. (02/15) |
Joel Means, Wimberley, Texas - Phone: 512-228-6075 c - Email: joel
@ - Webpage: AANHCP Certified. Natural Hoofcare Provider and authorized EasyCare dealer. I also teach Natural Horsemanship, problem solving, bonding, nutrition, and proper horse care. Serving the Hill Country. (06/09) |
Jason & Cecilia Stasiuk, Texas - Phone 713-899-8279 or 713-819-9884
- Email: jasonstasiuk @ Natural Hoof Care Providers, Barefoot Trimmers (05/08) |
Todd Hezeau, Lone Oak, Texas - Phone 469.261.8733 - 903.662.0952 - E-mail: maccwall @ - Practitioner since 2002 on all equine types from drafts to minis and donkeys. Treating all hoof types especially the rehabilitation of pathological issues including founder and navicular. Have attended classes from various AANCHP and other clinicians and am currently seeking certification with the American Hoof Association. Hoof boot fitting and Renegade hoof boot dealer. Serving the Greenville, Texas and surrounding NE Texas area. References available! (06/13) |
JOHN THORP, BASTROP, Texas - Email: barefoottrimmer @ - Phone: (512) 629-5657 Keep your horses SOUND! Barefoot trimmer serving CENTRAL TEXAS. Always open to accepting new clients that are willing to take advantage of Natural Hoof Care. "Because YOU love your horse!" (10/09) |
Lisa Morris, San Antonio/Boerne Texas and surrounding area - email: morrishoofcare @ - cell: 210.771.3073 I specialize in therapeutic & performance natural barefoot hoof care. I can maintain your barefoot horse, transition out of steel shoes, boot fitting. Experienced with healing founder, navicular, hoof cracks, thrush, and other pathologies. I am detail oriented & reliable. Rehab for soundness boarding available, reasonable rates, references available. (05/11) |
Terry Snowman, Texas - email: megheder @ - 254-292-3401 Natural Hoof trimming and training. (11/13) |
Collin Chilson, Blue Ridge, Texas (serving the greater D/FW area ) - Email: Texcnbelleranch @ - Mobile: (214) 250-2678 - Website: Self taught Natural Barefoot Horse and Hoof Care Provider. Use AANHCP standards and methods. (03/10) |
Richard Zewe, Santa Fe, Texas - Email: richard @ - cell phone: 281-865-3489 - website: |
Travis Robert Lau, Houston, Texas - Email: Travisrobertlau @ - cell phone: 832-726-8746 |
Marty Heinrich, Normangee, Texas - cell phone: 979-229-3055 Serving areas around Bryan/College Station, Franklin, Crockett, Marquez, Caldwell, and Lufkin. I am a full time professional farrier with 4 years of trimming experience currently accepting new clients. I have completed the Oklahoma State Horseshoeing School Certification Course. I am kind but firm, courteous, prompt (usually early), and always return phone calls. References available. (10/10) |
Dusty McCord, Stephenville, Texas - Email: McCordsHoofTrimming @ Cell Phone: 214-783-0733 - website: |
Tony Haslam, Comfort, Texas - Email: themustangway @ - Cell: 210-834-2831 -Website: |
Andrea Galbraith, Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas - Email: motorqueue @ - Cell: 248-563-1963 - Website: MotorQueue Natural Hoof Care, Serving the Dallas/Fort Worth area, Texas. Whole-horse solutions for performance and rehabilitation! Barefoot trimming and synthetic alternatives to metal shoes. Full evaluation and ongoing support system for owners, addressing dietary concerns, living and working environment, gait, and performance. Gentle horse handling, professional manner and on time reliability. References available and questions welcomed! (04/13) |
Trista Lutz, Hamilton, Texas - Geisamarie @ - Cell: 254-717-4655 - Facebook: Head to Tail Natural Balance Equine Consultation. Serving Fort Worth, Waco, Austin, Stephenville, Killeen, Weatherford, and anywhere in between. A whole horse approach to hoof care, including diet and management consultation. Barefoot trimming since 2008. Completed basic to advanced courses with Ida Hammer. Easycare dealer. 25+ years of horse experience and B.S. in Equine Production from Tarleton State. Founder and navicular cases welcome. Also trim minis, donkeys, and mules. Gentle and effective handling skills. Contact for prices and references. (02/14) |
Stephanie Camfield, Fredericksburg, Texas (830) 456 7346, stephcamfield @ Providing exceptional personalized barefoot hoof care and extraordinary customer service in the Hill Country since 2000. BS Animal Science, Equine emphasis, mentored by Gil Goodin (founding member of American Hoof Association and Equine Sciences Academy Instructor). I take time for your horse and I to get to know each other and am extremely patient. Excellent references. Thank you! (06/16) |
Rebecca Hatalla, Cedar Creek, Texas - Email: @ - cell phone: 254-289-1357 - website: Serving Belton/Temple, Georgetown, Leander, Taylor everything west and east of Austin all the way south to the RIO GRANDE VALLEY. Providing whole horse natural hoof care for all your barefoot hoof care needs. Reliable and professional service. Maintenance trims, transition from metal shoes to barefoot, and pathological hooves. I also do glue on shoes, casting and boot fitting. I continually attend clinics and apprenticeships always learning striving to provide the best service to your horse whether you have a high performance athlete or pasture pet. I also offer Masterson Method Bodywork and Equine Craniosacral therapy to help your horse reach optimal wellness and performance. References available. (12/16) |
Karissa Hunter, Glen Rose, Texas – Email: wildsoleswhc @ – cell phone: 254-39-4313 - Website: |
Hill Country Hoof Care, Center point, Texas - Phone: (512) 878- 9996 or email at Jakemclainhorsemanship @ |
Shane Phelps, Utah, Cell Phone #801-404-7955 e-mail shane @ I trim my own horses - I work out of Utah County, Utah - I am available to trim 7 days a week - Am willing to travel within reason - I believe in safe and happy horses (01/07) |
Chad Montee M., Herriman, Utah - phone: 801-739-5646 - e-mail,
chadmontee @ I have studied Pete Ramey's "Under the Horse" method extensively and I am currently developing my epoxy and casting skills to compliment my barefoot trimming strategies. I currently work on about 75 horses in the Greater Salt Lake Area. (05/09) |
John Fitch, Logan, Utah. - Ph 435-770-7335 - Email: john.fitch
@ Certified Natural Hoofcare Practitioner. Specializing in founder, thrush, Pea gravel tracks, and teaching natural hoofcare. (12/08) |
Linda Fullmer, South Jordan, Utah - Phone: 801 209-5741 or office 801 566-9414 ELITE PERFORMANCE. Degree in Applied Equine Podiatry. Specializes in the Dressage and Performance Horse. (03/10) |
Troy Mortenson, Clearfield, Utah - Email: troysallnaturalhoofcare @ - phone: 801-896-4135 |
Meisja Wagner, Salt lake City, Utah - Text 801-875-1713 or email Meisja.wagner @ Veterinary endorsed bare hoof care: I have spent several years working side by side with a veterinarian on difficult hooves. My philosophy is that healthy hooves are 25% trimming, 25% diet, 25% environment, and 25% correct movement. Text 801-875-1713 or email Meisja.wagner @ or look me up on Facebook and send me a message! (11/17) |
Lisa Walker, Clarendon, Vermont E-mail: Limawa @ Phone:
802-773-9285 Studied the KC Lapierre trim, Gene Ovnicek, and Bowkers physiologically correct trim, and graduate of the first Strasser course 2001. (09/05) |
Tom Wheeler, Wallingford, Vermont - Email: hoofinit @
- Phone: (802) 446-3582 |
Natalie Gombosi, E. Poultney, Vermont, Email: go-barefoot @,
Ph: 802-287-9777 Barefoot & Balanced, certified practitioner through the AANHCP Specializing in transitioning horses to barefoot performance - Easycare dealer. (08/09) |
Deanna Stoppler, Underhill, Vermont - Email: horseandsole @ - Phone: 928-846-9420. Website: PHCP Certified Practitioner and Graduate of Mission Farrier School. In 2012 my hoof care journey began as a farrier. I learned to apply steel, aluminum, clogs, and composite shoes to the hoof. After nine years of developing my craft and understanding more about hoof health and the importance of healthy barefoot hooves for lifelong soundness, I transitioned away from the application of steel and aluminum shoes and now offer barefoot trimming and boot fitting. (05/23) |
Annie Commonwood, Grand Isle, Vermont - IronFreePony @ - (802) 522.2229 |
Christina Krueger, Manchester Center, Vermont - email: chriskrueger14 @ - cell: 570-460-3731 - website: |
Whitney Durham, The Plains, Virginia - Email:
TheLittlestFarrier @ Website: Phone Number: (540) 974-9481 I would love to be a member of your team! I trim performance horses, trail horses... even pasture ornaments! If your horse matters to you, then I'm the farrier for you. Check out my client testimonials at BWFA certified. Northern VA.(09/06) |
Erin Pearson, Castleton, Virginia 22716 (540) 987-9507
email: ern86864 @ |
Elizabeth Swank, Harrisonburg, VA Email: ekswank @
Phone: (540) 434-5286 Love trimming hooves. Familiar with and practice the more natural trim (based of Jackson/Ramey method and use the wild hoof model as the goal.) Willing to discuss, provide support or trim for local people. Been to Ramey Clinic and LaPierre Clinic. In the process of getting certified by the AANCHP. E-mail or call. (12/05) |
Rebecca Beckstrom, Weyers Cave/Harrisonburg area, Virginia - e-mail:
beckstroms @ - phone: 540-476-2049 I have done some training through the AANHCP (Jaime Jackson/Pete Ramey) and have trimmed my own horses for 2.5 years. I am available to help others get started with natural hoofcare in my area. Please call or e-mail me! (08/07) |
George Schaefer, Gretna, Virginia 24557, USA Phone (434) 656-8182
or (434) 203-0232 cell Email: ironhorse6 @ Professional High Performance Barefoot trimmer. Closely studied Jamie Jackson's methods and trim as is appropriate for each individual hoof, working toward the wild hoof model. 10+ years experience. Natural Horsemanship trainer as well, so even "difficult" horses can be trimmed in a gentle, humane way. (08/06) |
Natalie Cruz - Manassas, Virginia - Email: shoefreeperform @, Cell: 703-867-4932, Website: |
Anne Buteau, Virginia - Ph 434 263 4946 - email annebuteau @ Consultations, Trimming and Instruction. Serving Central Virginia and beyond since 2000. (08/07) |
Anita Martin. Central and South Central Virginia - 434-221-2382 - Ladyrings @ - Work within approximately 100 miles of Brookneal, Va.. Holistic "Barefoot" trimming, based as closely as possible on the wild horse model, with diet, boarding, and lifestyle taken into consideration for help with improved hoof and whole horse health and soundness. Easycare hoof boot dealer. (01/11) |
Therese Vista Hoover, Winchester, Virginia - email: VistaNaturalTrim
@ - Phone: 540-535-5405 Vista Natural Trimming. Offering natural barefoot trimming based on the wild horse model. Promoting a healthy hoof and working at correcting unhealthy distortions of the natural hoof form. A student of Paige Poss. Reliable, experienced trimmer with reasonable rates. References available upon request. Working within 60 mile radius of Winchester, VA. (01/12) |
Nicole Ciarrocca, Fairfax Station, Virginia - email: HappyFeetHorseCare
@ - Phone: 703-244-0615 - website: My business is Happy Feet Horse Care, Inc. Natural Barefoot Trimmer in Northern Virginia. I have seen foundered, laminitic, and outright neglected feet restored to natural function with proper trimming based on the wild horse model as well as owner education on nutrition and natural horse keeping practices. I am also an Easy Boot dealer. I love inquisitive owners so please ask questions. (07/09) |
Richard Teachout, Eastern Virginia - phone: 301 904 5037 - email: rteachout @ Natural Hoof Care Service located in Southern Maryland. Serving all of Maryland and Eastern Virginia. Pete Ramey / Jamie Jackson approach to trimming. Have also studied under KC LaPierre. All breeds from Draft to Mini, Mules, Donkeys (and Goats and Sheep). Rehab - Founder - Navicular - Transition from shoes. Reliable on time scheduling, Reasonable rates. (10/10) |
Rafael Guerra, Nelsonia, Virginia - e-mail: rafael.guerra @ - ph. 757.694.7783 Certified Farrier, Oklahoma Farrier College Graduate, specializing in Natural Barefoot Hoof Care. All proceeds beneifit the horses of Healing Spirit Equine Rescue, Inc. More information available on Facebook @ Rafael Guerra Hoof Care (11/11) |
Shannon Carner, Louisa, Virginia - email: Drhoof @ - Cell phone- 434-906-3607- Website: - Facebook "The Natural Farrier" DAEP, I am a graduate from the Institute of Applied Equine Podiatry, and offer natural hoof care services in central Virginia - offering founder and navicular recovery, rubber shoes, Equisocks and the most up to date in natural hoof care. (11/11) |
Larry Tumblin,Virgina - 540-454-5484 - Email: endurancehoof @ - website: I am a Natural Barefoot Trimmer, serving Shenandoah, Warren ,Clarke, Fauquier, and Loudoun counties of Virgina. I have been trimming for 5 years. I started trimming my own horses, as most do, and became fascinated with what I saw. I furthered my education through clinics and mentorships with top professionals. I compete my own horses in Endurance races, which has taught me about what it takes to get the barefoot horse through some very rough trails. I trim all types of horses, problem cases to performance, and can help you with any of your needs. Renegade boot dealer, equicasting, etc. available. References available. (08/12) |
Tatum Standley, Virginia (Central) - Professional, full time trimmer dedicated to improving the soundness and health of your horse through natural trimming practices. I used the ABC Hoofprint Trim, developed by Cheryl Henderson, to restore balance and correct pathologies/distortions. I specialize in founder, navicular, and neglect cases, but I happily take healthy clients as well. I travel throughout Central Virginia and can provide references. (08/14) |
McKenzie Showalter, Mt. Crawford, Virginia - Email: bubblingbrooke2000 @ - Cell: 540-830-5247 I have been training under a PHCP Mentor for the past year, am taking 2 nutrition courses from Dr. Kellon, and am in the process of becoming certified through Pacific Hoof Care Practitioners. I am currently accepting clients in need of a barefoot maintenance trim - please contact me! (11/18) |
Michelle Werner, New Market, Virginia - Phone number: 240-674-7233 - Email: bigstrideshoofcare @ |
Daniel Hofford, Virginia, emails (preferred) - equsnarnd @ - phone 980-892-2141 - website: Barefoot Hoof Care Professional, trimming since 2000. Graduate of the Strasser Course in 2003. I do foundation training for horses using all the techniques from the Natural methods of training, with a focus on Pat Parelli and Karen Pryor. I started trimming using Bergys techniques and moved on quickly to Jamie Jackson, which led me to the works of Hiltrud Strasser. Most of the horses I do have no problems or minor ones, but I have three badly foundered mares that Ive been working with who have been extraordinarily educational. One of them, Sugar, can be seen on my website under Case Studies. Please visit my website at (05/21) |
Leslie Walls, Ridgefield, Washington, EMAIL: barehooflcw @,
PHONE: 360-887-0529, CELL: 360-600-6899 |
Christina Cline, Sumas, Washington, Phone:
604-835-1700 Email: minimitts @ Covering Bellingham to Gig Harbor. Trims, trim clinics and one-on-one trim instruction. Gentle, patient horse handling. Adding bodywork to the repertoire! (08/05) |
Pam Beall, Graham, Washington - EMAIL: beallp @ - PHONE:
253-875-3620 Hoofin Naturally, serving Graham, Wa. and surrounding areas. 12 years experience. Specializing in barefoot trims, equine nutrition. Cushings and Insulin resistant horses. Easy boot dealer. (07/12) |
Cameron Bonner, Washington - phone (360)895-2679 - email: olympicdreamhoofcare
@ Jaime Jackson/Pete Ramey method, since 2003. Barefoot trimming and boot fitting. Trimming for you or supervising your own work. Serving the Greater Kitsap Region. Independent practitioner; no professional affiliations. (10/08) |
Adriane Schaeffer, Copalis Crossing, Washington Phone: (360)
538-9423 email: ruffian @ Covering Grays Harbor, SW Mason, and Pacific Counties. Natural trims for performance and rehab. Trim clinics. 20 years experience trimming, specialty in Drafts and Draft crosses. Gentle horse handling. (05/06) |
Ray Bradshaw, Gig Harbor, Washington Phone: (253) 884-1888 Email:
soundhoof @ Natural Balance farrier, trimming using the wild hoof model. Experienced in barefoot rehabilitation including founder, navicular symptoms, and other pathologies. I can help you transition or keep your horses barefoot and sound. Over 15 years experience trimming, six years as a trained professional. (07/06) |
Lori Holliday, Kelso, Washington. Phone (360) 636-5658. Email cascadenaturalhoofcare
@ Quality barefoot trims, based on the wild horse model. Serving SW WA and NW OR. Gentle, patient horse handling. (12/06) |
Jerry Schmidt, SHP 2003, Port Angeles Washington. email holstein01
@ Trimming for optimal hoofcare. (12/06) |
Judith Akins, SHP, Washington, Hoof Wellness Specialist,
Marble Rock Hoof Wellness Center, Quilcene, WA 98376 Phone 360-765-4957
home or 360-774-1063 cell Email: Judith @ |
Lynda Schnarr, SHP 2006, SW Washington & NW Oregon, Phone 360-695-9654
or 812-480-0683, or email holistichoofcare @, Graduated from year long Strasser Hoofcare Course and apprenticed for a year at Dr. Steve Skinner's hoof clinic in Sherwood, OR. Experienced and successful in trimming horses of all ages and activity levels as well as horses with pathologies. I trim to promote optimal health in the horse as well as educate owners on lifestyle necessities. Please call 360-695-9654 or 812-480-0683, or email holistichoofcare @ to schedule a FREE consultation. (04/09) |
Katy Clark, Washington/Oregon - 503.701.7044 - katy @ Bare Feet by Katy - Serving Clackamas, Multnomah, Washington and Northern Lane County, Oregon (Pacific NW) I am a certified farrier that has converted to natural hoof care. I have been trimming since 2006. I follow the wild horse model in my trimming. I am also an Easycare boot dealer and a SweetPro dealer for EquiPride and EquiLix supplements. Call for an appt. (09/08) |
Jennifer Roberts, Washington - - barefoot_horse @, cell 360-969-1135. Barefoot Trimmer, Island, Skagit, Snohomish County, Washington. I take a gentle and holistic approach to hoof care in order to effectively treat pathologies in the foot. Along with performing a basic trim to maintain your horses healthy feet, I have been trained extensively to rehabilitate horses with unhealthy conditions i.e. founder, navicular, hoof cracks. References available. (06/13) |
Michael Kelly, Oak Harbor, Washington - Phone 360-679-4726
or 360-929-1412 - e-mail oakharborfarrier @ - website: Professional Farrier/Natural Barefoot Trimmer. I provide barefoot trimming in a safe and sane manner, no fads or radical procedures, the care, well being and use of the animal being the guide for our methods. Traditional farrier services including shoes and boots. We also provide rehabilitation for animals if owners cannot provide care themselves. We run a full services breeding facility with boarding, training and lessons by a World Championship trainer. Veterinary and client references upon request. I am a graduate of Pacific Coast Horseshoeing School. (03/08) |
Ute Philippi LMP/LAMP, Cle Elum, Washington - BALANCED STEP, Website: - (253) 576-8035 - balancedstep @ |
Bruce Ritter, Auburn, Washington - email: ritter_bruce @ I have been barefoot trimming my own horses for several years (Jaime Jackson/Pete Ramey) I can trim your horses, get you started to do your own, or answer your questions about the whys, hows, and wherefores of barefoot trimming if you are just curious. Please e-mail me for further information. (09/08) |
Pat Wagner, Washington - Phone: 360-790-4181 - - NHCP, AHA Certified, Specialized in healing damaged hooves. (03/09) |
Chuck Willis, Oregon/Washington - website:,
email: chuck @ - Home # 503-760-4987; cell # 503-407-3029 AANHCP PT. I am in Step 8 of the 9 Step certification program through the AANHCP. I have also attended training/clinics by Pete Ramey & Dr. Robert Bowker as well as numerous other misc. clinics, trainings, self study & research. I have been actively trimming horses since 2005 and while I work on healthy horses with good, strong feet, I also specialize and have experience in the rehabilitation of horses with various pathologies. I am also an Easy Care Dealer. (06/09) |
Rachel Geary - Sedro Woolley, Washington - Email: rmgeary_83 @ - Website: - Phone: 360-770-6886 |
Bryan Booker, Monroe, Washington - email: bmbooker @ - telephone: 425-238-3142 I have been trimming my ten Arabians for seven years, using a barefoot method inspired by Jamie Jackson and based on the teachings of Pete Ramey, with modifications to allow for our soft ground. The first trim is free of charge; all trims for 501c-3 rescues are free. (02/11) |
Ruth A. DeGennaro, Winlock, Washington. - Phone (360) 880-3264 - email: radhooftrimming @ - Website: Please visit my updated website to experience what RAD Hoof Trimming is all about. Rehablitation, Anatomical, Dynamic. Over 25 years experience. Pete Ramey and Jaime Jackson inspired but not affiliated with. See my website and read my autobiography. Appointments anyday including weekends. Accepting new clients in Lewis and parts of Cowlitz county. Farm call or Haul in appointments. One on one trim instruction. Renegade hoof boot fitting. Positive reinforcement horse handling , training and coaching. (03/19) |
Amy Allen, Shelton, Washington - Email: amysgame @ - cell phone: 360-480-5327 - website: |
Ruthie Thompson-Klein, Lopez Island, Washington - Email: anvildevil @ - phone: 360-468-2198. Providing professional hoof care for the San Juan Islands since 2003. American Hoof Association and Pacific Hoof Care Practitioner certified. Performance barefoot trims, transition to bare and rehabs, founder recovery, and Easy Care dealer for your riding & therapy booting needs. Natural horsemanship techniques and careful handling for geriatrics and horses with physical issues. Owner trim instruction a specialty. (03/12) |
Erin Wood, Western Washington - email: naturalbalanceNW @ - phone: 425-750-8809 Barefoot specialist serving select clients in several areas in Western Washington, including Snohomish and Skagit counties, Eastside King, Olympia, Auburn/Enumclaw, Sequim/Port Townsend, Kingston/Silverdale! A graduate of Mission Farrier School, Pete Ramey, and dedicated student of the horse, my focus is on optimal hoof health through proper trimming, nutrition and movement. Founder and Navicular rehabilitation, transitions out of shoes, and a specialty in mule and donkey hoof care (bring me your long ears!), I also love to teach horse owner hoof care. (04/12) |
Robert Dennis, Toledo,Washington - phone: 360-539-5157 |
Glenn Hallberg, Raymond, Washington - Email: bbf-farrier-services @ - 360-941-3986 |
Zach Taylor, Port Angeles, Washington - Email: taylorhoofcare @ - Cellphone: 5097700191 |
Holly Moffatt, Maple Valley/Metro Eastside, Washington - email: Holly.horsehooves @ - - Phone: 425-503-4914 Certified through AANHCP since 2009. (08/15) |
Katie Garrett, Leavenworth/Wenatchee Valley, Washington - Cell: (425) 422-4799 - Email: kegarrett88 @ Icicle Creek Equine Services specializing in the Barefoot Horse. Balancing horses of all shapes, sizes, and disciplines. Trimming for performance or rehab. I am experienced working with green and naughty horses. I will also pull shoes, fit boots, nutrition consultation and horse training. I am accepting new clients and am willing to travel. (04/16) |
Rob Bell, NE Washington - EMAIL: gtrhoofcare @ - Cell phone (509) 322-6162 Serving NE Washington, specializing in natural barefoot hoofcare, boot fitting and nutritional consulting, training, Renegade boot dealer, willing to travel, professional, patient, reliable (07/16) |
Derek Kolb, Snohomish, Washington - email: - phone: (425) 328-4945 - website: |
Emily Aldridge, Sedro Woolley, Washington (Skagit county) - Email: emilyaldridge04 @ - Phone: 360-477-5275 |
Corrie Mannion, Monroe, Washington - Email: corriemannion @ - Website: - Facebook Page: |
Shelly Groat, Snohomish,Washington - Email: s.groatmom @ - cell # 425.876.1467 Seasoned farrier turned barefoot trimmer enthusiast since 2004. A promoter and teacher for my clients to work on their own horses. Natural hoof care based on Pete Ramey's methods. Seeking new clients in the greater Snohomish County and beyond with an extra charge for mileage. Easycare and Scootboot dealer. (08/18) |
Barbara Ann Volk, West Virginia, Phone 304-269-7556, email: snakedauter
@ Website: Equine Podiatrist, Regional Advisor for GaWaNi Pony boy, Veterinary Assistant, Reiki Master, Applied Equine Podiatry, Whole Horse Hoof care, for a sound horse from the ground up. Emphasis is placed on balance between the outer hoof capsule and the internal structures, the result being a healthy foot that can support the highest performance the horse has to offer. (01/07) |
Butch Myers, Falling Waters, West Virginia - Phone: 301-491-8495
- E-mail: marlin8 @ Natural barefoot trims, Pete Ramey style, shoes removed, boot sizing and fitting, from minis to draft horses, reasonable prices, Serving: Berkeley & Jefferson, WV counties, Washington & Frederick, MD. counties, Franklin County, PA (05/09) |
Suzanne Warsinsky, West Virginia - Phone: 304-940-9419 - E-mail: reighnysmom @ Appalachian Hoof Care. Balanced trims for pleasure and performance horses, especially rugged-riding trail horses. EasyCare boot dealer. I also carry Renegade hoof boots. Will help transition from shod to bare or maintain already bare hooves. Boot fitting and sales for client and non-client horses. (10/10) |
Patrice Sager, Lost River, West Virginia - email: mpsager @ - Phone 304-897-6378 Serving Hardy county, Hampshire County WV, Rockingham and Augusta County's VA and the surrounding areas. I do horse, donkey, (and goat) trimming, advice, diet and health advice based on the whole horse/sound hoof. My philosophy is to work with the body and not against it. I have been trimming many years now and my studies have included working with and learning from many excellent teachers (Pete Ramey, K.C. La Pierre, Dr. Bowker. Dr. Eleanor Kellon- having taken two courses so far in equine nutrition, Dr. Deb Taylor, Dr. David Hood, Sue Mellen, Anne Buteau, and many, many, more) I have attended 2 International Hoof Summits and am an American Hoof Association member and have served on the Education Committee and Conference Planning Committee for AHA. I am a Pacific Hoof Care Practitioner member and mentor. Easy Care dealer and California Trace dealer. I love helping the horse and owner to be the best they can be along the line of hoof care and equine nutrition. I have numerous years experience in hoof rehabilitation. References available upon request. Fair, competitive, rates. (02/15) |
Mark Stuber, Wisconsin. e-mail fhlhorsecare @, Phone
715-949-1002 website- FHL Horse Care, Now offering barefoot hoof trimming in Dunn and Barron county, Wisconsin. Martha Olivo certified 8/04. Also offering consulting, seminars and private training. Natural boarding and on site rehab at our Ridgeland WI. farm starting 6/06. (12/05) |
Anita Delwiche, W6541 Capital Road, Greenwood, Wisconsin 54437 USA, Phone (715) 267-6404 Provider of natural hoof care services at competitive prices. I will trim any horse's hooves, green or yearlings included. I also do draft horses! Corrective trims available upon request. Hoof oils and thrush treatments applied, unless otherwise stated by trainer, owner or caretaker. Natural methods used on all horses. No stocks used on any horses. No Saturday services. Call for price list. Greenwood and surrounding areas. (02/06) |
Monica Meer, Waukesha, Wisconsin, CP, NAAC, ESMT, AANHCP Member,
Practitioner, Field Instructor Main: 262-370-8100, Alternate phone: 262-968-9499 email: monica @, Alternate e-mail: mmmeer @ I am an AANHCP Certified Natural Trim Practitioner. I have 5 years of trimming experience. I am available for natural hoof care education, instruction, and trimming. I am certified in equine sports massage therapy, and I also sell customized herbal blends for horses.You can visit my web site for information and shopping. References available upon request. (03/06) |
Suzanne Foster, Wisconsin Home # (262) 495-4956, Cell # (262) 366-2939 email: pacasuz @ (08/06) |
Terry Spears, Wisconsin - 10319 E. County Rd. X, Clinton WI 53525
- Phone: (608) 676-5317 - Email: barefoottrims @ Southern WI, Northern IL (07/07) |
Joslyn Seefeldt, Milton, Wisconsin - Barefoot and Sound
Hoof Care, LLC, 5738 East Klug Road, Milton, Wisconsin 53563 - PH: 608-868-4070
- CELL: 608-774-7490 - Email: - Website: Serving southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois. I am an actively competing endurance rider with barefoot horses. I have a special interest in helping horse owners who wish to compete their horses barefoot. 1/2 price for non-profit/rescue operations. (06/08) |
Patricia "Dooley" Vogel, Mequon/ Batavia, Wisconsin.
- Email: PVOGEL3769 @ - Phone: 262-242-9776 Natural Hoofcare Provider and Healer as well as founding board member of "a Moondance Ranch -Center of the Horse" a not for profit organization - educating people about horses, horse behavior and nature. (7/08) |
Mike Stelske, Eagle, Wisconsin - cell: 262-510-5074 - home: 262-594-2936
- (e-mail) nofe4me @ Natural Way Barefoot Hoof Care LLC-Alternatives to Horseshoes, serving Southeastern Wisconsin & Northeastern Illinois-In Stock EasyCare Boots & Products, Im a Certified Practitioner, Field Instructor. Natural Trim Workshop Clinician & Final Exam Coordinator for the AANHCP. I Specialize in Navicular Syndrome, Laminitis & other Hoof Ailments-contact me for references and consultations--Horseshoes removed FREE! (12/08) |
Kim Lex, Wisconsin (south central) - 608-873-0120 or 608-698-1556
- |
Kelly Williams, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin - (920) 350-2626 (mobile) - email: kellyandrhino @ KELLY’S HOOF CARE, LLC. American Farriers Association Certified Farrier. Serving Southeastern and South Central Wisconsin. (01/12) |
Serstad Forge, Aaron Serstad, Oxford, Wisconsin - 608-451-1173 - email copperforge22 @ - website (11/12) |
Mike Alm, Beloit, Wisconsin - Cell 608-774-3419 Professional service since 1993. Diploma from MN School of Horseshoeing. Serving the stateline area of south central Wisconsin and north central Illinois. I do mostly barefoot trimming, however I do regular/corrective shoeing as well. Honost and reliable service. (02/15) |
Gen Moreau, Black Earth, Wisconsin (near Madison) - email: gshoofcare @ - cell phone: (608) 856-8771 G's Hoof Care. Natural hoof care, barefoot trims. Educated by Bare Hoof Trimming School, WA. Experience addressing various hoof DEFORMITIES. THRUSH TREATMENTS available. I take a whole-horse approach and work with the long-term health and soundness of the horse in mind. I have read extensively on nutrition. Over 10 years of equine experience. All horses and ponies, drafts, minis, gaited, trail, and more. I return phone calls and emails promptly. (02/18) |
Leigh Ann Sytsma, Natural Hoof Care Practitioner, Friendship, Wisconsin (Central WI). 608-339-2975. |
Morgan Herum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin - morganherum @ , 414-779-0321, |
Deb Schnitzmeier, Basin, Wyoming - email to : NxNW @ - phone: 307-272-9493 dba Peak Performance Equine - Hoof Care and Equine Massage. Over 45 years as a horsewoman and a speed event competitor/trainer, 12 years cert. massage experience and 6 years barefoot trimming using techniques from Jaime Jackson, Pete Ramey and others. Seeking case studies for admission into the AHCA. Reliable and competent skills, will travel. References of course. My focus is on the whole horse for optimum barefoot success. (05/11) |
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The Horse’s Hoof Magazine is a 20 YEAR collection of quarterly magazine issues that focus on barefoot, bitless, better horse care, and compassionate training methods. Each issue is filled with a wide variety of horse care and hoof care articles, covering barefoot trimming methods, health, diet & nutrition, hoof boots & protection, bitless riding and training, science based training methods, equine behavior, inspirational stories, and so much more!!! It’s a way of life!!! Click here for more details: The Horse's Hoof Magazine Issue Contents 1-80 and ALL ACCESS PASS!
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